How To Stay Fit and Healthy As You Get Older

How to stay fit and healthy as you get older

Staying fit and healthy should be one of our top priorities if we want to live long.
As we get older, some parts of our bodies may begin to change behaviourally or functionally. For example,

  • softening of bones and decrease in bone mass  during old age which, sometimes, leads to osteoporosis and risks of falls,
  • wrinkling of the skin
  • dementia

Next, let's see how we can prevent such from happening to us and how we can maintain our health and fitness as we grow older.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet Always
2. Stay Physically Active
3. Stay Socially Active
4. Stay Away from Alcohol
5. Go for Check ups Regularly

Let's get the full details.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet Always

Eating a healthy diet means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein-foods and little or no processed foods.
Your diet should also be rich in fibre but low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Moreover, consuming a healthy diet everyday lowers your blood pressure, lowers LDL cholesterol [ popularly known as the "bad cholesterol" ], prevents obesity-related issues, and reduces the risks of many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

You can know more about the foods that make up a healthy diet here.

2. Stay Physically Active

Staying active, physically, is a must if you still want to be as active as you were when you were 16.
There are many ways to stay physically active but none can defeat Exercise.

Exercising for 30 minutes, five times per week, helps in burning off a huge amount of calories that may be stored as fat on your body. The expenditure of these calories promotes the maintenance of a healthy weight.
Besides, exercises make your muscles and bones get stronger and flexible.
If you need help in finding out some exercises to start with,  I would highly recommend you check out my article 4 Easy Morning Exercises you've not been doing.

3. Stay Socially Active

Social interaction relieves stress and makes your mind renewed as you gain more knowledge and ideas from other people.
You can be socially active by participating in group activities and speaking with friends and families or even watching comedies with them.

4. Stay Away from Alcohol

If you've been taking alcohol or beer, you need to seriously stop for you to live a long and holy life and for you not to develop pot-belly.
If you've not been taking alcohol, then don't start.

5. Go for Check ups Regularly

Visiting a qualified medical doctor regularly for check ups is compulsory for every human so as to know your health condition and get solutions for any health issue found [ if any ] before it gets worse.
This important step, if taken, keeps your mind at rest and not only that, but also makes you know more about your body and health.

You need to put all of these into action now so you can be as young and active as you were when you were 16 😉

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